My Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine is for a women or gay man of any age. I know that I when I was younger always flipped through fashion magazines, and I still do now. I wanted to replicate that when creating my magazine. I wanted people of all ages to look at my magazine and feel a since of joy and inspiration. That could be from looking at the clothes, or the reading the articles and getting dating advice.

For my the gender I am trying to appeal to is women. However, I do not just want to limit it to women. I want anyone to be able to ready the publication, that includes also appealing to member of the LGBT community. Everyone should have the opportunity to feel confident with who they are. Regardless of gender.

As for income level. I want to try and appeal to everyone. There are higher-end brands of clothing in the magazine. There are also articles that feature drug store and affordable makeup, etc. included as well.

Geography that would reach my audience would be primarily English speaking countries because all of  all of the articles being written in English. That includes European countries and, and North American countries.

The personality interests would be beauty, fashion, and female empowerment. I want the magazine to be a like an advice column, very personal. In order to make the reader feel secure and gain confidence from looking at the pictures or reading the articles. 
