Distribution Plan

Apart from my distribution plan is to create a website for "Fashion Forward SRQ". On the website it will feature articles from the publication. As well as online exclusive articles so the website will get the maximum amount of attraction. Another feature that I have found a common trend on fashion magazine websites an especially for the younger demographic is online quizzes. A way to have an interactive activity online. When a viewer first gets on the site a pop up will appear and will ask the reader if they would like to sign up for an email subscription service. Every time a new issue comes out or, an exclusive offer comes out, the people on the email list will be the first to get notified.

Having an app will also be apart of my distribution plan. That way it will make reading each new issue of the magazine even easier for the consumer. On the app, you will be able to hear a podcast of all of the people that work at the magazine. Such as the editors from all of the categories that the magazine covers. (Love, Beauty, Fashion, Horoscopes) In the podcast, they will all give their advice on how to stand out in an outfit, secrets to having a healthy relationship, etc. This will appeal to more personal to the reader. Also, a creative feature that will draw in more readers to the magazine. 
